About Me

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ME: Dedicated & determined Jesus-follower, crazy-in-love with my husband, devoted to my kids, Nammy to Kate, Ludovic & Eloise, idea person, eternity thinker, passionate about missions, hot curry maniac, fanatical about all things "pioneer", daisy-crazy, trusting God for constant growth and grace in my life.


saying goodbye to the meaningless

"yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun"
Ecclesiastes 2:11
i was thinking today
about how much of our lives and time is taken up with what i call maintenance
maintenance . . . meaningless stuff that takes up time
lots of time . . .
buying stuff
and stuff to fill them up
more stuff than we need
then, more maintenance
pay for it all
make money
drive here and there
manage finances
manage the house
manage the dog
manage the kids
whew . . .
i've seen and experienced something different
and i often long for that simplicity
it's purpose
it's focus
i'm thinking change has to be on the horizon . . .