i love God's Word
it's trustworthy
it's comforting
it's inspiring
i love the psalms of king david
and today
i especially love psalm 91
"the person who rests in the shadow of the most high God
i will say about the Lord
'he is my place of safety
he is like a fort to me
he is my God and i trust in him'
he will certainly save you from hidden traps
and from deadly sickness
he will cover you with his wings
under the feathers of his wings you will find safety
he is faithful and he will keep you safe like a shield or a tower
you won't have to be afraid of the terrors that come during the night
you won't have to fear the arrows that come at you during the day
you won't have to be afraid of the sickness that attacks in the darkness
you won't have to fear the plague that destroys at noon
a thousand may fall dead at your side
ten thousand may fall near your right hand
but no harm will come to you
you will see with your own eyes
how God punishes sinful people
the Lord is the one who keeps you safe
so let the most high God be like a home to you
then no harm will come to you
no terrible plague will come near your tent
the Lord will command his angels
to take good care of you
they will lift you up in their hands
then you won't trip over a stone
you will walk all over lions and cobras
you will crush mighty lions and poisonous snakes
the Lord says, 'i will save the one who loves me
i will keep him safe because he trusts in me
he will call out to me and I will answer him
i will be with him in times of trouble
i will save him and honour him
i will give him a long and full life
i will save him'"
so be it Lord . . .
i ask you . . . who could add to that?
i have no more to say
God's Word said it all . . . perfectly!