About Me

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ME: Dedicated & determined Jesus-follower, crazy-in-love with my husband, devoted to my kids, Nammy to Kate, Ludovic & Eloise, idea person, eternity thinker, passionate about missions, hot curry maniac, fanatical about all things "pioneer", daisy-crazy, trusting God for constant growth and grace in my life.


draw me . . .

draw me, oh, draw me, please draw me, my Jesus.
into your presence, where i cannot lie.
my soul is so thirsty, i cannot endure it.
and if i can't get closer, i surely will die.
take me, oh take me, please take me, my Jesus.
quickly, before i forget that I'm lost.
for so many times, my mind has deceived me,
that i really don't have to carry the cross.

i just need to know how to pray.
my wicked desires block the way,
sometimes i have grieved you away,
i don't want to do that today.
help me, oh help me, please help me my Jesus.
save me from sins that i thought were all gone.
kill me with kindness, and break through my blindness.
i know till i'm dead, i can never live on.