yesterday i was sitting by the pool at the clubhouse reading my Bible.
the Lord was really speaking to my heart through the Word. i felt like i was like drinking
a big glass of water that was quenching a desperate thirst that i'd had for so long!
as i was reading and praying, i suddenly heard a noise above my head and looked up
to see a small airplane writing the name "Jesus" in the sky above me!
oh how i love the amazing ways that God shows me that He is near. i guess He knew
that my measly faith needed a boost … a sign from Him!
thank you Jesus!
About Me

- Jill
- ME: Dedicated & determined Jesus-follower, crazy-in-love with my husband, devoted to my kids, Nammy to Kate, Ludovic & Eloise, idea person, eternity thinker, passionate about missions, hot curry maniac, fanatical about all things "pioneer", daisy-crazy, trusting God for constant growth and grace in my life.
exposure . . .
my life is one of continual growth through seasons of exposure
. . . of perpetual movement from darkness to light.
seasons full of ups and downs . . .
seasons of doubt and seasons of faith . . .
seasons of despair and seasons of joy . . .
seasons when i feel close to the will of God
and seasons when i can't find His will.
2014 …
and i've decided to start blogging again.
i'm in florida for the entire month of february and have
a lot of time on my hands to seek the Lord and re-focus on the important things in life.
Jesus is awakening my heart again.
my biggest desire is only to know Him.
to know Him intimately . . .
to recognize and be sensitive to His voice . . .
to have the love and compassion that only He can give me . . .
to be a good and faithful servant . . .
these things are what i seek.
christian 'doing' is a bankrupt pastime at most.
i don't want to fill my days with empty endeavours.
all my schemes and plans pale apart from really knowing Jesus.
"Lord, draw me into Your presence.
give me a thirst to spend long hours alone with You.
give me hears to hear your voice.
and faith to do Your will."
Jesus wants all of me more than He wants my 'service.'
to know Jesus is the purpose of my heart.
may every single thing in my heart and life to be
exposed in the Holy Spirit's refining fire.
"change me, Lord.
purify my motives.
re-arrange my priorities.
fill me with Your unconditional love.
i give myself wholly to You."
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