have you ever taken the time to watch the "behind the scenes" extras that they have on many dvds?
if you have, you've seen the director at work with his entourage of support people hustling about - outside the boundaries of the "production-eye."
you see microphones, lifted high on metal arms above the actors, ready to capture the dialogue.
you see cameramen focusing in at every angle.
the film that is the end result does not capture the "big picture."
the "big picture" cannot confine all of the activity and planning and masterminding that goes on beyond what we will see on the screen at the theatre.
this whole picture makes me think of what goes on in the spirit world.
we are like the actors, playing out our lives, scene by scene, on the earth.
and God is orchestrating it all behind the scenes.
i think we would be astounded to see life beyond the limitations
of our miniscule understanding - beyond the limitations of our five senses.
we need spiritual eyes and divine discernment to understand what we
cannot see
cannot touch
cannot hear
cannot smell
cannot feel.
so much that happens only really happens because God has allowed it, or orchestrated it for some purpose.
sadly, we humans have a great need to be able to explain everything.
to define everything within the scope of our limited understanding.
we need to "box in" reasons why things happen.
we need human, carnal perimeters for life.
it's sad that we cannot just have the "faith of a little child"
in so many of life's circumstances.
i can only pray that God will give me discernment
and the eyes to see behind the scenes . . .
to see His purposes at work in the world around me
and in my own life.