About Me

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ME: Dedicated & determined Jesus-follower, crazy-in-love with my husband, devoted to my kids, Nammy to Kate, Ludovic & Eloise, idea person, eternity thinker, passionate about missions, hot curry maniac, fanatical about all things "pioneer", daisy-crazy, trusting God for constant growth and grace in my life.


Breathe . . .

I spent the day in the hospital two days ago - taking one double-ventilin treatment after another to get my breathing under control.  It wasn't a critical event, but it made me think about how desperately I needed oxygen.  Air.  I struggled with only shallow breaths.  I needed the air to fill me deep in my lungs.

Take a deep, deep breath.  Can you feel the life that it is bringing to your body?  It's feeding every part of you.  A deep breath calms you, refreshes you and helps you to focus.

I am longing for Jesus in the same way I longed for that deep breath of air.  Fill me Lord.

He said to me,
"Prophesy to the breath.  Prophesy, son of man.
Tell the breath,
'God, the Master, says, Come from the four winds.
Come, breath.  Breathe on these slain bodies.  Breathe life!"
[Ezekiel 37:9]


hope is my word of the day . . .

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we [I] have peace with God 
through our [my] Lord Jesus Christ, 
through whom also we [I] have access by faith into this grace in which we [I] stand, 
and rejoice in HOPE of the glory of God.
And not only that …
but we [I] also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 
and perseverance, character; and character, HOPE.
Now HOPE does not disappoint, 
because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts [my heart] 
by the Holy Spirit who was given to us [me].
Romans 5:1-5

The Word of God pierces even in the most unexpected and hard situation imaginable.  In times like this, I purpose to focus on God's mercy, compassion and faithfulness.  

My HOPE begins with a change in my focal point.  I serve the "God of hope."  

"Now may the God of HOPE fill you [me] 
with all joy and peace in believing, 
that you [I] may abound in HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit."
[Romans 15:13]

My God is almighty and the author of wisdom -- He is Lord over all time and eternity.  He is my Healer and my Protector.  Nothing is impossible with Him, and IN HIM I place my trust wholeheartedly.  My faith is in the person and character of God and not in what I see around me.  

And so … HOPE rushes in.


"But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have HOPE:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.

'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul,
therefore I will HOPE in Him.'

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
to the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord."


morning . . .

"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning,
for in You do I trust;
cause me to know the way in which I should walk,
for I lift up my soul to You."
[Psalm 143:8]


Get the Remote … and Press PAUSE!

What amazing technology we have today!  If you want to grab a snack while watching a show, just press pause – and whatever you’re watching just stops and waits for you to be ready!
It wasn’t that long ago that my kids were my “remote.” 
“Can you please change it to channel 13?”
“Can you please lower the volume?”
Now, nothing needs to be missed!  Just press pause . . .

Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a pause button for life?
I can just imagine all of the bad, impulsive and stupid decisions that could have been avoided – if only I’d had a pause button!

I could have pressed ‘pause’
         before I went there . . .
         before I bought this . . .
         before I did that . . .
         before I said it . . .

Today I read in the book of Luke, chapter 14 (verses 25-30) about counting the cost.  It says that I should “count the cost before building.”  Jesus was talking about counting the cost of discipleship, of following Him. 

         BECOMING a Christian is free. 
         BEING a Christian has a cost.

Jesus said to count the cost before building.
So how do I build in my life?
         I began to build when I said, “I do.”
         I continue to build in the lives of my children.
         I want to build in all of the relationships I have with people.
         I really want to build in God’s church and outside of God’s church.
And I thank God that HE is my source of strength and wisdom to do all that.  When I am so often weak, He is strong.  When I have no answers, He always does.  He never disappoints me.

Jesus also said to count the cost of battles.
So what battles do I have?
         I have the battle of daily choosing right over wrong.
         I have the battle of fighting temptation in all sorts of things.
         I have the battle of choosing to love above all else.
And again, I can thank God that He is my Overcomer!  He goes before me in all battles and conquers when I choose to do it His way.

Lord, I pray that I will learn to press “pause”
         at every crossroad in my life
         with every decision I have to make
         with every temptation that I face
         with every motive and attitude that I battle         
I give You an invitation to come to guide me and to remind me of Your ways.

Click!   Pause …


Revived . . .

“Lord Jesus – I hear You telling me that all You have destined my life to be, all that You once whispered to my heart, all that You’ve spoken to me from the pages of Your Word – even though I’ve lost it through sleep and carelessness and action – it’s all still mine.   The only thing that You require of me is to get up and start heading back to rebuild the testimony of Your glory in my life.  

And my response is, “Yes, Lord.  Lead me from this captivity.  You led a procession of people to rebuild Your temple in Jerusalem in Ezra’s time and You made it greater than the former temple.  And Jesus came to it.  

Jesus, turn my captivity.  Whatever I have embraced and settled for … I put away.  I want to be a temple where Your presence will dwell.  I believe that You will make my future testimony greater than anything of my past.  I believe that every gift of the Holy Spirit, every promise in Your Word, everything that You’ve ever promised to do in my life will come to pass.  From bankruptcy, I come Lord.  You are speaking to my heart and You are faithful.  Your love and mercies to me are never-ending.  Thank you, Lord.  I know that all You do in my life has nothing to do with me.  All I can do is stand in my own poverty and give myself wholly to You to be made rich in the imperishable things that only You can give.  Peace.  Joy.  Love.  

From this day forward – for better or  worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health – I give  myself completely to You.  May Your name be glorified in my life forevermore.” 


signs . . .

yesterday i was sitting by the pool at the clubhouse reading my Bible.
the Lord was really speaking to my heart through the Word.  i felt like i was like drinking
a big glass of water that was quenching a desperate thirst that i'd had for so long!  
as i was reading and praying, i suddenly heard a noise above my head and looked up
to see a small airplane writing the name "Jesus" in the sky above me!

oh how i love the amazing ways that God shows me that He is near.  i guess He knew
that my measly faith needed a boost … a sign from Him!

thank you Jesus!

exposure . . .

my life is one of continual growth through seasons of exposure
. . . of perpetual movement from darkness to light.

seasons full of ups and downs . . .
seasons of doubt and seasons of faith . . .
seasons of despair and seasons of joy . . .
seasons when i feel close to the will of God
and seasons when i can't find His will.

2014 … 
and i've decided to start blogging again.
i'm in florida for the entire month of february and have
a lot of time on my hands to seek the Lord and re-focus on the important things in life.
Jesus is awakening my heart again.
my biggest desire is only to know Him.
to know Him intimately . . . 
to recognize and be sensitive to His voice . . .
to have the love and compassion that only He can give me . . .
to be a good and faithful servant . . .
these things are what i seek.

christian 'doing' is a bankrupt pastime at most.
i don't want to fill my days with empty endeavours.
all my schemes and plans pale apart from really knowing Jesus.
"Lord, draw me into Your presence.
give me a thirst to spend long hours alone with You.
give me hears to hear your voice.
and faith to do Your will."

Jesus wants all of me more than He wants my 'service.'

to know Jesus  is the purpose of my heart.

may every single thing in my heart and life to be
exposed in the Holy Spirit's refining fire.

"change me, Lord.
purify my motives.
re-arrange my priorities.
fill me with Your unconditional love.
i give myself wholly to You."