families lived with so much less than we have today.
they lived in small houses, often less than 1000 square feet,
with maybe 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.
no family room, no ensuite, no recroom.
they may have had one radio - and later, one t.v.
but no computer. no email. no facebook. no online banking.
no "time-saving" machines, like dishwashers, microwaves, freezers, front-loading washers & dryers, breadmakers, coffeemakers . . . on and on the list could go.
they may have had one family car.
mom would typically stay at home while dad went off to work.
dad provided.
mom managed the home and kids.
a complementary team.
today . . . we have so much more . . . or, do we?
two incomes . . . but more debt.
two, or more vehicles . . . all going in different directions.
bigger homes . . . fewer kids.
time-saving devices . . . that rob us of quality time together.
our life-styles today are richer, but only in "things."
really, we have been robbed of time.
we have less time to reflect, relax, have meal times around the table . . .
less quality time for friends and for family.
we have less time for God. less time for His word. less time to pray.
simple things that were part of everyday life in the past have been lost.
so . . . i don't know what to think of "progress."
i'm not convinced it could all be called progress.
oh, i know there are many good things . . . like medical advances . . . and more
and i do appreciate them.
but, i wonder if living in this age of instant information and instant gratification
has really made us better in character and better in relationships
. . . in the things that count.
even though everything is bigger, faster and more available, is it really better?
big deal . . . we know more.
yes, we can find anything out and are "smarter" than ever before
but are we really?
i don't know if all of it is worth trading in the simple things of yesterday.
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