About Me

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ME: Dedicated & determined Jesus-follower, crazy-in-love with my husband, devoted to my kids, Nammy to Kate, Ludovic & Eloise, idea person, eternity thinker, passionate about missions, hot curry maniac, fanatical about all things "pioneer", daisy-crazy, trusting God for constant growth and grace in my life.


gold, frankincense and myrrh

i was wondering today . . .
could the ages of the earth be defined by the gifts of the magi?
by gold, frankincense and myrrh?

i think that the gold would represent the time that Jesus walked on earth
among men . . . in the form of a man.
God among men!
it was time when people could see Him, audibly hear Him
and touch Him!

frankincense . . . that would represent the time after
Jesus' death on the cross, until today.
it is the age we live in now.
it is the time when the fragrance of Jesus
makes His existence plain to all who have the heart to see.
it is the fragrance of God's word and the Holy Spirit that
gives us true life.

and myrrh.
perhaps this is the age that is still to come
when the true church, that has worshiped God in spirit and in truth, has been raptured
and when the mighty God pours out His wrath upon the earth and on mankind.
myrrh . . . could it represent the burial spice that will prepare a world saturated with sin for it's fiery death, as predicted in scripture?

gold, frankincense and myrrh . . .
then and now.

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